Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy Hair Cut! How the Mohawk Came to Fruition

While I was putting away Christmas decorations, Ry was awfully quiet. I went up the stairs and found out what he was doing:
This was his reaction to his "hair cut" (all smiles). When I asked him, why he did it, he replied, "Because I wanted to was in my eyes!" A few weeks ago, B got a hair cut and we asked him if he wanted one, but he said he wanted to keep it long. I guess he changed his mind.
This was my reaction to his hair cut. I was in shock, not really knowing what to say--whether to laugh or get mad. All I said to him was, "Wait here" and I went to get the camera.

Then I asked him where he got the scissors. He replied, "From your bathroom, mama". So I walked into my bathroom to look for them and couldn't find them! He showed me on the floor of my bedroom where he had cut his hair. These scissors aren't the dullest paper scissors, but the sharpest, pointiest in the house as you can see!
Clay wasn't home, so I called up my friend and sister-in-law who are hairdressers, and knowing my luck neither was answering their phone. My neighbor was home, and she cuts her husband's hair all the time, so we went over there. We had to put hair clips to hold it onto one side so we could shave it! Since it was already cut, I decided to do a mohawk. I've always wanted to do this, but never had the guts! I guess it was decided for me!

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